Thursday, March 19, 2009

FOREX ...........Why Have a Trading Plan ?

Reason 1: It keeps you in the right direction

Consistency is very important to have in your trading routine because it allows you to truly measure how successful you are as a trader. If you have a sound trading system but always break your rules, how can you ever really know how good your system really is? Your trading plan will keep you on target. Read it every day and stick to it.

Reason 2: Trading is a business and successful businesses ALWAYS have plans

I have never seen a successful business not start out with a plan. Do you honestly think Walmart was just created on a whim and then magically became successful? Or what about McDonalds? I’m sure almost anyone can make a better hamburger than McDonalds, but the difference between them and the individual is that they have a successful business plan that guides them to success.

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